You can integrate with Sage Business Cloud Accounting to sync your client data, so when your client's details are updated on one platform they are also updated in the other system too reducing duplicate data entry. This integration doesn't synchronise invoices.
To integrate navigate to Tools > Integrations > Sage click Integrate with Sage and enter the Sage credentials for your account.
Once the first sync has finished in BrightManager navigate to Tools > Integrations > Sage and click the Clients tab you will now have 5 sections.
Client Conflicts
This section will be shown if a linked client has an error or conflict in data between the two systems, while there is a conflict data for this client will not be synchronised. Click the plus button in the Resolve Conflict column on the right to see the cause of the conflict. Once the conflict is resolved the data will sync again.
Synced Clients
This section lists all clients currently synchronised.
Create BrightManager Clients in Sage
This section lists the BrightManager clients that are not currently a contact in Sage, you can select one or more clients here then click Create Clients in Sage to add these clients to your Sage account and link them to BrightManager.
Create Sage Clients in BrightManager
This section lists the Sage clients that are not currently a contact in BrightManager, you can select one or more clients here then click Create Clients in BrightManager to add these clients to your BrightManager account and link them to Sage.
**IMPORTANT** Never navigate to Tools > Integrations > Sage > Overview and click the red Disconnect button on the left to resolve an integration issue. Clicking this option will result in your integration being completely disconnected and you will have to reintegrate and match all your clients up again.