Integrating with Xero allows you to share client details and invoices across both platforms, reducing double data entry.
Synchronise Clients
To integrate navigate to Tools > Integrations > Xero > Integrate with Xero. You will then be asked to enter your Xero login details unless you are already logged into Xero on the same browser. You'll be asked which organisation you wish to integrate with and you need to select your own organisation from the dropdown.
Once you have confirmed your organisation your first sync will be queued, once it has been completed you'll be able to see your Xero client list under Tools > Integrations > Xero, this list contains your Xero client's that are not currently linked to a BrightManager client.
The Xero client will be listed to the left and your BrightManager clients will be listed in the dropdown. BrightManager will attempt to locate a matching client using the data available and provide a percentage score for the match. You can select a client from the dropdown and click Merge to link the client across both systems. A pop up will be shown and you can select which system you'd like to use the data from and when you click Merge this data will be made uniform across both systems. Once the client is linked any updates you make to these fields will be updated on the other too on the next sync.
Once the client is linked you can navigate to the client file and click Xero Contact, from here you can open the contact in Xero or unlink the client from Xero.
If the client doesn't exist in BrightManager yet you can use the Create in BrightManager button to add them and link them automatically.
Once you have integrated with Xero and the client sync is turned on any new client you create in BrightManager will be added as a contact to your Xero account automatically, this includes any clients you import. New clients you create in Xero won't be created in BrightManager automatically.
This is a non-destructive integration, so if you archive or delete a client in one system they will not be archived or deleted on the other platform on the next sync.
Client Sync Troubleshooting
My Xero client isn't appearing under Tools > Integrations > Xero.
This client may already be linked to a BrightManager client, to check use the search field at the top of the page to locate the client's file. Once you've opened the client's file if there is a Xero Contact button at the top right of the client file then this client is already Xero linked and this is why they are not visible under Tools > Integrations > Xero.
If you have a BrightManager client file for this client and it isn't Xero linked then this client may be recorded as a contact rather than a customer in Xero. Once an invoice has been issued in Xero and paid by this contact Xero will deem them a customer and they'll be sent through to Tools > Integrations > Xero in BrightManager.
My Xero client appears under Tools > Integrations > Xero, I have a BrightManager client file for this client but they are not appearing in the drop down to merge.
Use the search box at the top of the page to locate the client's file and open it, if the Xero Contact button is present at the top right of the client file then this means the client is already Xero linked. If they are still appearing under Tools > Integrations > Xero then this means you have a duplicate client file in in Xero and you'll need to login to Xero to merge the duplicate client entry.
I've created a new client in BrightManager and they haven't been added to Xero.
Navigate to Tools > Integrations > Xero, is your integration disconnected? If your integration has been soft disconnected you'll see a button to the right labelled Reconnect Xero Integration, click this and add your credentials to reconnect. Once you have reconnected click Sync Now and the client should be created in Xero.
If your integration is connected click Sync Now, the client should be added to Xero.
**IMPORTANT** Never navigate to Tools > Integrations > Xero and click the red Disconnect button on the left to resolve an integration issue. Clicking this option will result in your integration being completely disconnected and you will have to reintegrate and match all your clients up again.
Synchronise Invoicing
Before turning on the invoice sync you will need to configure a bank account in Xero.
Once you have linked up your clients you can turn on the invoice sync by navigating to Tools > Integrations > Xero, click Integration Settings, tick Enable Invoice Sync, select your Default Bank and click Save.
Once the invoice sync has been turned on if you raise a new invoice for a client linked via the integration in either system it will be shared with the other. It is not possible to synchronise credit notes. If the invoice is raised in in BrightManager it will initially be saved with the next BrightManager invoice number. Once the invoice synchronises to Xero it will the next Xero invoice number. If the invoice is initially raised in BrightManager it will be added to Xero as a draft invoice, you will need to approve the invoice in Xero to issue it to your client.
It is not possible to synchronise historical invoices from Xero to BrightManager.
This is a non-destructive integration, so if you archive or delete an invoice in one system they will not be archived or deleted on the other platform on the next sync.
Invoice Sync Troubleshooting
The invoice in BrightManager doesn't have a Xero invoice number.
Use the search box to locate the client's file and open the client file, if there isn't a Xero Contact button at the top right of the client's file then this client isn't Xero linked and you'll need to navigate to Tools > Integrations > Xero and link them before you can sync invoices for this client.
If the client Xero is linked then you'll need to check your integration is connected, navigate to Tools > Integrations > Xero, is your integration disconnected? If your integration has been soft disconnected you'll see a button to the right labelled Reconnect Xero Integration, click this and add your credentials to reconnect. Once you have reconnected click Sync Now and the client should be created in Xero.
If your integration is connected click Sync Now, the invoice should be added to Xero.
I've created a new invoice in BrightManager and they haven't been added to Xero.
Use the search box to locate the client's file and open the client file, if there isn't a Xero Contact button at the top right of the client's file then this client isn't Xero linked and you'll need to navigate to Tools > Integrations > Xero and link them before you can sync invoices for this client.
If the client Xero is linked then you'll need to check your integration is connected, navigate to Tools > Integrations > Xero, is your integration disconnected? If your integration has been soft disconnected you'll see a button to the right labelled Reconnect Xero Integration, click this and add your credentials to reconnect. Once you have reconnected click Sync Now and the client should be created in Xero.
If your integration is connected click Sync Now, the invoice should be added to Xero.
**IMPORTANT** Never navigate to Tools > Integrations > Xero and click the red Disconnect button on the left to resolve an integration issue. Clicking this option will result in your integration being completely disconnected and you will have to reintegrate and match all your clients up again.