AccountancyManager has a feature called Email Manager which allows you to see all your forwarding emails if you have this set on the system. Each staff member has their own unique forwarding email address, so they will only be able to see emails that were sent to them originally.
All emails forwarded to your forwarding address are automatically attached to the relevant client's Timeline. This is accessible in the Client file.
Using Email Manager you can link an email to a client timeline even if the address isn't present on their client file. You can also unlink an email from a client to remove it from their Timeline.
To access this feature, go to Tools > Email Manager.
When you open the page the filter will be set to show you just unlinked emails by default. You can use the Filter dropdown to see Linked, Unlinked, or All emails. The search button can also be used to sort by the subject or email address.
On the top right of the screen, you have an option to add a New Task or Delete Email.