The Automated Happy Birthday email feature allows the user to send their Clients Happy Birthday email messages automatically.
Enabling Happy Birthday Email
To enable this feature turn the toggle on in Settings > Automation Settings > Happy Birthday Email.
Once this toggle has been enabled globally it will also appear on the Client File under the Automation Tab
This will only work if
- The Primary Contact's DOB is present
- A Custom Automated Email Template has been selected (in Settings > Automation Settings or in the Client File > Automation)
- You use Custom Automated Email Template
Global Settings
If the Happy Birthday Email feature has been enabled but no template has been selected then the client will not receive any emails, unless you have also enabled this feature on the client file and have selected a custom template for the client.
Once a template has been selected in Automation settings, the email will be sent out to all their primary contacts whose DoB is present.
Client File
Using custom templates for specific clients
Although there may be an existing template selected for the Global Setting, you can also select a custom template to send to specific clients. This can be done by navigating to the Client file > Automation. The system will use the template selected in their client file rather than the global template.
Enabling the feature for some clients only
To enable the feature for some clients only, you have to enable this from the Client File first but not select any template in Settings > Automation Settings > Happy Birthday Email. You can then go into the specific Client File and select the template which you would like to be sent out to your clients.
Disabling the feature for some clients
If the feature has been enabled globally and a template has been selected, this will go out to all of your Primary Contacts of the Clients, whose DoB is present. To turn it off for specific clients, you can disable this feature from the Client's File > Automation.
Deleting the template
You cannot delete a template that is in use. If you attempt to delete a template in use, window will pop up informing you that the template is active for a number of your Clients therefore it cannot be deleted.
Only a template that is not in use can be deleted.
You will first need to remove the template in use (either at the account level or client level) before you delete the email template.
If you disable the feature (either at the account or client level) you will still need to remove the template from use to delete the template - you can do this by choosing “Please select a template” as the option in the dropdown menu and saving it.