Links your clients between the two products to ensure that their records remain in sync, with core client data being editable in BrightManager. This integration is currently only available for Irish accounts, and cannot be used by UK accounts.
To integrate navigate to Tools > Integrations > BrightAP and enter your BrightAP login details.
Important Information
To create BM clients in BrightAP, BM clients must have valid addresses. The Registered and Business address must be present to send BM clients to BrightAP.
For the Client Types Irish Self-Assessment, Self Assessment (UK), Irish Partnership, Partnership (UK) and Trust the registered address is the Main Contact's Postal Address, and the Business address is found under Business Details > Trading Address.
For the Client Types Private Limited Company (UK), Public Limited Company (UK), Limited Liability Partnership, Charity, Other, Irish Private Limited Company, Irish Other the Registered address filed can be found under Company Details > Registered Address. The business address is set using the Invoice Address Field Under Company Details on the client file, and you can set this to also be the Registered Address or the Company Postal Address.
If you wish to set the Invoice Address field to Company Portal Address you must enter a Company Postal Address in the field under Company Details.
To link a BrightAP client to an BM client the client's address must be present in BrightAP.
In BM under Tools > Integrations > BrightAP you will see the following sections:
Linked Clients
Once you have connected the client between BrightAP and AM by merging them or creating the BrightAP client from AM all of these linked clients will show on this list. From here you have the option to update the client in AM and the changes will be pushed to BrightAP, view the client in BrightAP or unlink the client. Once the client is unlinked updates to this client in BM will no longer be pushed to BrightAP, and you will be able to edit the client in BrightAP.
BM Clients
This section displays all BM clients that are not currently linked to a BrightAP client, from here you can use the BM client file details to create the same client in BrightAP and they will be automatically linked and moved to your Linked Clients section. Please note you won't be able to create the BM client in BrightAP if the client is missing address information, further insight on this can be found in the Important Information section at the top of this document. If this information is missing a pop up will appear and you can add the missing details, the client will be updated in BM and created in BrightAP.
Merge Clients
This section displays all BM clients that are not linked to a BrightAP client. You can merge the clients by selecting the corresponding BrightAP client from the Dropdown list. By default in this dropdown BM will display the BrightAP client with the highest data match to the BM client as the first option.
The Quick Merge BrightAP option allows you to merge the client and bring to BM client's data from BrightAP. This will overwrite fields in BM with the data from BrightAP.
The Quick Merge BM option allows you to merge the client and bring to BrightAP client's data from BM. This will overwrite fields in BrightAP with the data from BM.
The Custom Merge option allows you to merge the client and choose which data you want to use from
BM and which data you want to use from BrightAP. You also have the option to manually add data for the client. Once merged the selected data will be used in both systems.
BrightAP Clients
This section displays all BrightAP clients that are not currently linked to an BM client, from here you can use the BrightAP client details to create the same client in BM and they will be automatically linked and moved to your Linked Clients section. Please note you won't be able to create the BrightAP client in BM if the client is missing address information, further insight on this can be found in the Important Information section at the top of this document. If this information is missing a pop up will appear and you can add the missing details, the client will be updated in BM and created in BrightAP.
You will be presented with this pop up where you will need to select an BM Client Type, BM will suggest the best match for you.
On the Client File
If the client isn't linked to BrightAP you'll see the Create in BrightAP button at the top right of the page.
View in BrightAP
If the client is linked to a BrightAP client on the BM client file you can click View in BrightAP to open the same client in BrightAP.
Linked fields
On the BM client file fields that are linked to BrightAP will be indicated with the BrightAP logo. If you update the data in the linked field and click Update Client the field will also be updated in BrightAP.
Client code
The BrightAP client code will be stored on the BM client file under Internal > Internal Reference. If you are using automatic client codes the code will be incremented for each linked client, all BrightAP clients will use an automatic code unless the client already has an internal reference number or the reference number is change in the pop up when you link the client.
The client code can be customised and there is a 10 character limit, the code must be alphanumeric. You can customise the prefix by updating the Next Client Code field under Tools > Integrations > BrightAP.
Disable Integration
To disable the integration in BM navigate to Tools > Integrations > BrightAP and click Disable Integration. This action will remove all client links between BM and BrightAP.