1. Go to Settings > Account Settings.
2. Under the Services tab, you will see the box for Customer Services. Input a name for each one - if you need more than one, ensure you enter it in a new line using the enter/return button. Choose Save Settings at the bottom right of the screen.
3. Under Client Settings tab, select Manage Custom Fields.
4. Select New Custom Field on the screen that appears.
5. Input a Name, Description, allocate to the relevant section (this is the service you created) and select the type for the field, such as dropdown, before selecting Save Custom Field.
6. Go to Clients > New Clients and select the option in the list of services to view your dropdown for the new service. You will need to add a deadline date and frequency of the automated emails to create the tasks for this on the system.
7. The system will create a blank email template for this option so you need to go to Settings > Templates and edit the relevant option to create one.
8. Your service is now ready to be used and set for automation. To set the automation dates and enable email reminders, go to Settings > Automation Settings and fill in the detail beside the service you have created as shown below (Custom Service Test) before selecting Save Settings.