To purchase credits navigate to Settings > AML Credits:
Use the slider to select how many credits you wish to purchase, the more credits you buy the cheaper they are and we don't place an expiry date on these credits.
When you run an ID or Credit Check the credit cost of the check will be displayed on the button you click to perform the check:
Perform an ID or ID and Credit Check on an Individual
Navigate to Clients > AML ID & Credit Checks:
Click New AML Check:
Click AML ID or Credit Check:
You can select an existing contact from the dropdown list, if you select them from the dropdown then the resulting check will be added to the Risk tab on their client file.
You can also check contacts you haven’t added yet by completing the form manually.
To run a check on someone living outside the UK by selecting their country of residence from the Autofill > Country dropdown.
The required fields for the check are highlighted with an asterisk.
You have the option to check the validity of this persons Driving Licence and/or Passport as part of the check.
It is only possible to check the validity of a Driving Licence issued in England, Scotland or Wales.
You can check a passport issued in any country, to find our more about performing a check using a passport issued outside of the UK please read our AML ID Check Passport Number Entry article.
Once details are filled in, scroll to the bottom of the page, then select the button for the check you want to run. *Please note: It is a legal requirement that the client is informed that a credit screen is being carried out
The page will refresh once the check is complete and you'll be taken back to the Clients > AML ID and Credit Check screen. The PDF created as a result of your check will be shown here, you can see at a glace if this person has passed or failed the check, and download a copy of the check to see a full breakdown.
Perform a Credit Check on a Company
To perform a Company Credit Check
Navigate to Clients > AML ID & Credit Checks:
Click Company Credit Check:
If you have added the client to AM you can Auto-fill the details from the Client dropdown, if you select the company from the dropdown then the resulting check will be added to the Risk tab on their client file.
You can run a check on a company you've not added yet by filling in the Company Details manually. If the Company is registered outside the UK you can select their registered country from the Country dropdown:
Once details are filled in, scroll to the bottom, and select Perform Credit Checks.
The page will refresh once the check is complete and you'll be taken back to the Clients > AML ID and Credit Check screen. The PDF created as a result of your check will be shown here, you can see at a glace if this person has passed or failed the check, and download a copy of the check to see a full breakdown.